Learn how to remove your blocks and open your life to success – without working harder, burning yourself out, or wasting tons of time and money 

FREE Virtual Masterclass: How to Remove Blocks and Open Your Life to Success

October 27, 2022 @ 12:00-1:00PM Central 


 Discover your passion and purpose and find success in all areas of life by turning on your brain’s innate ability to succeed  

Why do some people seem to have the Midas touch while others struggle to succeed? 

Why does it seem everyone around you has figured out how to be successful in life…while you’re unsure what you even really want?

You’ve moved from job to job and can’t find that one thing you’re really passionate about or insanely good at.

You hustle and hustle and still can’t seem to get a breakthrough.

Or maybe you’re successful on paper but you don’t FEEL successful. You know you were made for more and want to be your best instead of just getting by.

The secret that no one is telling you – the guy from your first job whose company is taking off or your friend from high school who has found her soulmate – is that no amount of striving or planning can ultimately make you successful.

The difference between those who are successful and those who aren’t is something that begins within…a switch in your brain that wires you for success or failure (or plain old mediocrity). 

And only YOU can turn it off or on.

In this FREE one-hour masterclass – October 27, 2022 at 12:00PM CT – you’ll discover how to work with your mind’s innate ability to succeed and how to remove the blocks that are holding you back so you can open your life to success.

 In this free one-hour virtual workshop, you’ll discover:

  • The three areas of knowledge that affect every decision you make

  • Why your brain is actually wired for success…and why so many of us struggle to live this way

  • Four practical strategies to discover your passion, purpose, and possibilities in life 

  • Proven psychological principles to harness your own brain’s potential and create a mindset of success

  • How to have success in ALL areas of life – work, relationships, health, finances, and more

FREE Virtual Masterclass: How to Remove Blocks and Open Your Life to Success

October 27, 2022
12:00-1:00PM Central

You don’t have to waste tons of money on coaches trying to find your direction and purpose in life. Success is as close as your next thought…you just have to learn how to harness it.

Sign up for this free masterclass to quickly learn how to tap into your own inherent potential and wire yourself for success.


 About Your Guides


Derek Watson

Derek received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University in psychology and linguistics and an MBA in finance from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA. Over the last 30 years, Derek has trained thousands of people on how to reignite their passion and live in freedom. Derek is the primary author of the book "Killing the Victim Before the Victim Kills You: Building Relationships Through Keeping Promises,” which examines the principles that contribute to living a victorious and vibrant life.

Amy Phillips

Amy is one of the founders of The Encounter, where she helps facilitate life-changing experiential workshops in the areas of personal growth, leadership, and relationships. Amy’s own marriage and career path were transformed through an Encounter event, and she now is a successful entrepreneur. 


This masterclass is sponsored by The Encounter, a facilitator of transformational experiences that change the way you think and feel so you can live from your greatness and create the life you want. Learn more at https://encountertraining.com/

This experience was life-changing and freeing if you want to move to the next level of your life.
— Deb Fowler
I’d say the thing that impacted me the most from the training was the ability to use perspective to change my view and feelings about things I once thought were set in stone..
— Chris Whitakker
I cannot say enough about the significance this training has had on my life.
— Leila Borders

Sign up for the FREE masterclass today

Learn the secret behind why some people are successful and others aren’t – and how you can become one of the successful ones by removing your blocks and opening your life to success.
